Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Never get a second chance to make a first posting...

.....unless you've already had a blog(i have). But nevermind that. This is a new one that I claim i'm actually going to post regularly on. So basically, it's like this....I could have just posted this shit on myspace in bulletins and blogs, but I have a lot of family and friends who think highly of me for some reason and don't know I have a potty mouth or have done half the things that i'm going to detail on this blog.(editor's note: he means gay porn)

I could have just posted it on Inside Trout(my old blog) but that was never supposed to be like this. It was going to be a sports comedy site, but something I was counting on helping it get off the ground never happened(a plug by another popular sports blog) after I was told by the guy that it would. Fuck it. I guess I could also have just stuck my thumb up my ass and not even started another blog....but you know what? I like writing. People like my writing and ramblings. I want to hone this skill and eventually do something with it. So here's what'll happen peeps. I'm going to post ideas, comedy bits i'm thinking of, funny stories, "of the day"s, maybe a couple of games(like the wildly popular "Description of a bidet, death metal band, or gay porno title", maybe a variation of "ask joe" but with just me asking questions, and maybe a couple of rewrites of my favorite post that I made, rewritten to be more vulgar and to tell the WHOLE truth.

I've been inside of Nic on film

So, this should be one of the only "psuedo serious side" post. Anyone has any ideas or wants me to rant on anything, just post in comments or send me an email or something.

Shout out in advance to Erin, Nathan, Ashley, Angie, Laurie, Kyle, Sam, James, Tim, and probably some other people i'm forgetting for reading my stuff and in some cases, inspiring me to start a whole new blogspot.

Shout out to Joe for helping so much with Inside Trout. Place would probably still be going if Spencer wasn't a dick or if you didn't remind me that I unknowingly swagger jacked the fucking title. Damn.

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